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  • Writer's pictureInbarajan S

AI Marketing Trends That Will Define 2024 in India?

Updated: Jun 13

AI Marketing Trends 2024 in India

The Indian digital marketing landscape is experiencing a dynamic shift with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is no longer a futuristic concept, it's actively shaping how brands connect with audiences and deliver impactful marketing experiences. As we move through 2024, let's explore some key AI trends that will define Indian marketing.

What is AI in Marketing 2024?

In 2024, AI in digital marketing goes beyond simple automation. It's about leveraging machine learning algorithms to understand customer behaviour, personalise interactions and optimise digital marketing campaigns for better results. AI can analyse vast amounts of data, identify patterns and predict future customer actions. This allows marketers to create targeted campaigns, deliver relevant content and provide a seamless customer journey.

2024's Most Important AI Marketing Trends

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

AR and VR are no longer confined to the gaming world. Brands are using them to create immersive shopping experiences. Imagine trying on clothes virtually or visualising furniture placement in your living room. AI plays a crucial role here powering features like product customisation and real-time recommendations within the AR/VR environment.

  • Virtual Assistants (VAs) - Virtual assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated. They're not just limited to scheduling appointments or playing music anymore. Brands are using AI-powered VAs to offer personalised shopping assistance, answer customer queries and even provide healthcare guidance. 

  • For instance, the WHO's Florence programme uses a VA to offer interactive consultations on stress management, healthy eating and COVID-19 information.

AI Marketing Trends | Virtual Reality


Chatbots have evolved from basic question-and-answer scripts to intelligent conversation partners. AI-powered chatbots can understand customer intent, answer complex questions and even manage customer service interactions.

Tools like Chat GPT-4, Google Gemini and Live Chat AI are making it easier for businesses to implement advanced chatbots that enhance customer experience.

AI Marketing Trends | Chatbots

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is a game-changer for marketers. By analysing customer data and past behaviour, AI can predict future needs and preferences. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns, personalised content recommendations and proactive customer support. Tools like RapidMiner, DataRobot, IBM SPSS and Tableau are helping businesses leverage AI for better decision-making in marketing strategies.

For improved decision-making, tools that provide AI-based predictive analytics include:

AI Marketing Trends | Predictive Analytics

Voice Search Optimisation

Voice search is rapidly growing in popularity, driven by the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants. AI plays a crucial role in voice search optimisation by helping websites understand natural language queries and providing relevant content. This includes optimisng website content for long-tail keywords and conversational language.

Here's how AI-powered voice search optimisation is shaping the future of digital marketing:

  • Personalisation: AI can personalise search results based on user history and location, leading to a more relevant search experience.

  • Convenience: Voice search offers a convenient way for users to find information, making it ideal for on-the-go searches.

  • Accessibility: Voice search is a boon for users with disabilities making information more accessible than ever before.

  • Innovation: Voice search opens doors for innovative marketing campaigns that leverage interactive voice experiences.

AI Ads Marketing:

AI is revolutionising how ads are created and delivered. Platforms like Google Ads and Meta offer AI-powered tools that can generate ad copy, personalise ad creatives and optimise ad targeting for maximum reach and impact.


AI Marketing Trends | AI Ads Marketing

These AI-powered ad solutions allow for real-time campaign adjustments, ensuring optimal performance and return on investment (ROI).


By embracing these AI digital marketing trends, Indian businesses can gain a competitive edge in 2024. AI offers the power to personalise customer experiences, optimise marketing campaigns and ultimately drive business growth. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative marketing solutions to emerge in the Indian market.

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